Electrical Distribution Solutions

Newest SSDi Team Member, Paul Brown, & The Legacy of His Families 4th Generation Company W.A Brown & Son, INC.

Episode Summary

In this episode, we introduce Paul Brown, who after working indirectly with us for many years has finally come aboard to join the SSDi team. He kicks off the conversation discussing the development of W. A. Brown & Son’s brown box whose component system SSDi was able to improve upon.

Episode Notes

Then, after giving a brief history of W. A. Brown and how they eventually became associated with SSDi, Paul expresses excitement at the potential for future growth and innovation that typically comes with a small and flexible team like ours.

Paul goes on to speak on his keys to success as a salesman and decades-long business owner, which include empathy, service, curiosity, and creativity.

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Key Quotes by Paul: